Vaginal mycosis is a taboo subject in our society. That is why there are many myths about infection and disease. Yet diseases of the sensitive external genitalia and the mucous membranes of the vagina are very common. With the right treatment, vaginal mycosis can be treated quickly and successfully.
Vaginal mycosis
Vaginal mycosis, also called vaginal mycosis, is often associated with unclean toilets and a lack of personal hygiene. Sometimes it is also considered a venereal disease by lay people. These myths are false and make women with a vaginal fungal infection feel ashamed. The fungus settles unnoticed in the vagina of many women and certain conditions trigger an excessive infestation.
What is vaginal mycosis?
There are many fungi on a person's skin and mucous membrane. In a healthy person, fungi and microorganisms are in equilibrium so that no undesired spreading takes place. In the mucous membranes of the vagina, a low pH value limits the spread of yeast fungi. A change in the vaginal environment can trigger an excessive infestation of yeast fungi such as Candida albicans.
Who can be affected by vaginal mycosis?
In principle, people can get vaginal mycosis at any age. Preferably, women of childbearing age are affected. But babies, children and women after the menopause can also be affected by vaginal mycosis.
How often does vaginal mycosis occur?
Exact figures on the frequency of vaginal fungus are not known. It is estimated that about 70 % of women suffer from a fungal infection of the vagina at least once in their lives. This means that there is a clear risk for women to contract vaginal mycosis.
Is vaginal mycosis contagious for men?
In principle, vaginal mycosis is not a venereal disease. However, candida bacteria are very contagious. That is why it is quite possible for the fungus to settle in the man's genital area after sex.
Symptoms of vaginal mycosis
Characteristic of vaginal mycosis is above all the intense itching in the area of the vagina and labia.
What are the typical symptoms of vaginal mycosis?
Vaginal mycosis usually has very typical symptoms. However, not all symptoms have to be noticeable at the same time. The leading symptoms are:
- Severe [itching]()
- Pain when urinating
- White, crumbly discharge
- Greyish-white coatings on the vagina
- Can vaginal thrush cause blood in the discharge?
In general, bleeding is not a typical symptom of vaginal thrush. However, the skin in the vaginal area is attacked and inflamed by the fungus. As a result, mechanical stress with toilet paper or a towel can cause slight injuries. The result can be a slightly brownish discharge. If blood appears in the discharge due to vaginal mycosis, a visit to the doctor is advisable.
What are the signs of vaginal thrush in children?
Vaginal thrush in girls is associated with signs that are similar to those of adult women. However, children do not yet have a discharge that can help with the diagnosis. Therefore, you should look out for the following symptoms:
- Severe itching and burning
- Swelling and redness around the vagina
- Inflamed skin in the genital area
- Pain when urinating
What is the difference between vaginal mycosis and a bacterial infection?
The symptoms of vaginal fungus and bacterial vaginosis are very similar. A fishy smell of the discharge and lack of redness indicate a bacterial infection.
How can I be sure if there is vaginal fungus or bacterial infection?
Just as a test is carried out at the gynaecologist for vaginal mycosis, this can also be done at home. The handling of the smear test is also simple. With an accuracy of 90 %, the tests for vaginal mycosis for home use are very reliable. These tests are available in pharmacies and drugstores.
Causes of vaginal mycosis
Under various conditions, the balance in the vagina becomes upset. This can have various physical, but also psychological causes.
What causes vaginal mycosis?
Vaginal mycosis is often the symptom of other causes such as:
- Hormone changes
- [Vaginal dryness]()
- Diseases such as diabetes or AIDS
- Medications that suppress the immune system
- Excessive hygiene
- Unprotected sexual intercourse
What influence do hormones have on vaginal mycosis?
Vaginal mycosis can be triggered by hormonal changes. If the body produces more oestrogen, the formation of glycogen (sugar) increases. This is the best breeding ground for yeast fungi like Candida albicans. Women's oestrogen levels change again and again in the course of their lives. Strong, natural changes are a given:
- Through pregnancy
- By taking the pill
- During puberty
- Through the menopause
- Shortly before giving birth
Which medicines promote vaginal mycosis?
In particular, drugs that impair the immune system trigger vaginal mycosis. These include:
- Antibiotics
- Antirheumatic drugs
- Immunosuppressants like cortisone
- Chemotherapeutic agents
Why do antibiotics give you vaginal thrush?
Vaginal fungus when taking antibiotics is not uncommon. The drugs fight bacteria in the body. However, many antibiotics not only act against the pathogens, but against bacteria in general. This also kills the protective lactic acid bacteria in the mucous membrane of the vagina. This changes the environment of the vagina and yeast fungi can multiply very well. This is why vaginal fungus is a common side effect of antibiotics.
What are the causes of recurrent vaginal mycosis?
After treatment against vaginal mycosis, the fungus has disappeared. Nevertheless, it is not always guaranteed that the vaginal flora is intact again. Furthermore, unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to a new infection. Severe stress or illness can also increase susceptibility to vaginal mycosis.
What is the effect of stress as a cause of vaginal mycosis?
If the vaginal flora is intact, the yeast fungi only multiply to a limited extent. Psychological problems such as stress weaken the immune system. This makes it easier for germs and fungi to multiply and cause diseases such as vaginal fungus. Psychological problems that can affect health are:
- particular stresses at work, up to and including burn-out
- psychological stress due to death, separation or traumatic experiences
- mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders
Treat vaginal mycosis
A vaginal yeast infection is not only unpleasant. Many women find the subject too intimate. It doesn't help that the majority of women have already had this disease at least once. A vaginal mycosis can be treated quickly and reliably and is no cause for concern.
How long does treatment for vaginal mycosis take?
The duration of the disease is usually 3-5 days. There may be differences between initial infection and subsequent illness. It is important that medication is taken for as long as indicated in the prescription.
Can vaginal mycosis go away on its own?
Vaginal mycosis can sometimes go away on its own. However, special care must then be taken to prevent the fungus from spreading further. Therefore, special attention must be paid to hygiene. Since the fungus can multiply greatly within a few days, rapid treatment is recommended.
Is a doctor necessary for vaginal mycosis?
In general, it is not necessary to see a doctor for vaginal mycosis. In the following cases, a visit to the gynaecologist should not be dispensed with:
- If the vaginal fungus signs are not clear.
- If you are pregnant.
- The symptoms have not improved after three days despite home remedies.
- Chronic vaginal mycosis occurs more than four times a year.
- Additional symptoms such as fever, severe pain and bloody urine occur.
- You are younger than 18 years of age.
How is vaginal mycosis treated?
The treatment of vaginal mycosis is almost exclusively carried out with medicines against fungi, so-called antimycotics. Often, the vaginal mycosis can be treated quickly. However, if vaginal mycosis is a symptom of other diseases or if it is chronic, a holistic approach should be taken in consultation with the doctor.
What helps against vaginal mycosis?
Antimycotics kill fungi and thereby cure vaginal mycosis. The active substances of the antimycotics attack the cell membrane of the yeast fungi and perforate it or hinder the formation of a component of the cell membrane. The disruption of the cell membrane causes the yeast fungi to be killed.
Which vaginal fungus remedies work best?
A common active ingredient for Candida yeast fungi is nystatin with an efficacy of 80 %. The imidazole clotrimazole is effective against all types of yeast fungi. The active substances are available in the following forms:
- Local antifungals: Vaginal tablets, suppositories, creams.
- Systemic antimycotics: Tablets, oral
Locally acting drugs against vaginal mycosis are often sufficient to treat the disease. They do not burden the body because they are applied regionally. In cases of severe infestation, treatment against vaginal mycosis is carried out by means of systemic administration of tablets that are taken orally.
Can I use over-the-counter medicines for vaginal mycosis?
Medicines for vaginal mycosis are available without a prescription at the pharmacy. These are topical antimycotics such as creams or vaginal tablets. If severe symptoms require oral tablets, these must be prescribed by a doctor. These medicines are only available on prescription.
What side effects can be caused by antimycotics?
Locally applied antimycotics only cause side effects in the area of application. These can include skin irritation and even burning and itching. Systemic agents that are taken orally can lead to physical complaints. Depending on the active ingredient, these include skin irritations, gastrointestinal complaints and headaches and, in rare cases, increased liver values. Therefore, systemic antimycotics must not be taken during pregnancy.
How is vaginal mycosis treated during pregnancy?
Vaginal mycosis occurs more frequently during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. During birth, vaginal fungus can enter the baby's body through the mouth. Newborns do not have sufficient defences against a fungal infection and must be treated with antifungal medication immediately after birth. For premature babies under 1,500 grams, a fungal infection can even be life-threatening. In addition, there are indications that vaginal mycosis can trigger premature birth. Therefore, vaginal mycosis should be treated during pregnancy. From the 34th week onwards, pregnant women should have a prophylactic check-up for vaginal mycosis. Local antimycotics such as imidazole are considered safe during pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is essential to talk to a gynaecologist before using any medication during pregnancy.
What must be considered when taking antimycotics?
The first symptoms are quickly alleviated with antimycotics. However, even if the symptoms are relieved, the medication must be used until the end of the recommended application time. If the duration of use is shortened, fungal spores that are still present can quickly cause a new infestation.
Can home remedies help with vaginal mycosis?
Few home remedies can actually fight vaginal fungus, as they do not contain antifungal agents. Other home remedies are not suitable for use in the vagina because they can cause irritation and allergies. However, some substances can be supportive in treating the symptoms of vaginal fungus. Chamomile as a sitz bath relieves the symptoms thanks to anti-inflammatory and soothing substances. [Witch hazel\]\(/witch hazel/) as a sitz bath or cream helps very well to take away the itching. Bread liquor and other home remedies that strengthen the body's defences support the medicinal treatment.
How do lactic acid bacteria help against vaginal mycosis?
Lactic acid is constantly present in the vagina and is responsible for the acidic environment. With a balanced pH value in the vagina, foreign bacteria and fungi can hardly grow. If this climate in the vagina is disturbed, infections develop. Treatment with lactic acid bacteria helps to rebuild the vaginal environment during the infection and thus speeds up healing. Lactic acid bacteria can also be used to prevent vaginal mycosis. Lactic acid bacteria from the pharmacy should be used for this purpose. Yoghurt, which is often recommended as a home remedy, is not suitable for treatment. It contains additives that can cause additional infections.
What should be considered during sex with vaginal mycosis?
During sex, vaginal fungus can be transmitted to the partner. Even if the partner is not infected and remains without symptoms, fungal spores can be found on his penis under the foreskin. Therefore, sexual intercourse should be avoided during an infection with vaginal mycosis. Alternatively, a condom offers some protection against the yeast fungus. Due to the incubation period, the partner should always be examined during unprotected sexual intercourse. To avoid re-infection of the woman, infections in the male partner must be treated.
How is vaginal mycosis treated during the period?
Vaginal suppositories and oral tablets against vaginal mycosis can also be used during the period without any problems. Avoid using air-impermeable pads or panty liners to prevent overheating of the skin. Tampons are also unsuitable for vaginal suppositories and vaginal tablets, as they hinder the effect.
What promotes the healing of vaginal mycosis?
In addition to medical treatment, special attention should be paid to hygiene during the infection. The following measures will help:
- Wash underwear and towels at at least 70 °C to kill fungi and spores.
- Shorten pubic hair to prevent moisture build-up in the vagina.
- Change underwear twice a day
- Do not share towels with more than one person
What happens to vaginal mycosis without treatment?
If vaginal mycosis is not treated, the yeast fungus can spread in a short time. It does not only multiply in the vagina and increase the symptoms there. The fungus can also spread to neighbouring regions such as the anal area. This causes painful symptoms.
Why does vaginal mycosis keep coming back?
If vaginal mycosis returns more than three times, the course is called chronic. This affects about 5 - 10% of women who have been infected with the yeast fungus. If the favouring cause of the fungal infection, such as smoking, stress, diabetes, taking antibiotics, is not stopped, an infection can recur again and again. Likewise, other sources of infection with fungal infestation can be present such as the oral cavity, intestines, pubic hair. This can affect both the woman and her partner. If vaginal mycosis keeps recurring, a doctor should be consulted in any case. The doctor can help you find the cause. Medical smears of the woman and her partner can detect hidden fungal infections.
Prevent vaginal mycosis
It is not only important to prevent vaginal fungus during pregnancy. Especially when taking antibiotics, this can prevent vaginal mycosis. The most important thing here is that vaginal mycrosis does not spread unnecessarily and does not take a chronic course.
How can you prevent vaginal mycosis?
The methods for preventing vaginal mycosis also help support the healing process. There are only a few points to consider:
- Wash underwear at a minimum of 60 °C
- Underwear should be made of skin-friendly cotton so that neither heat nor moisture builds up.
- Use air-permeable panty liners and pads without plastic adhesive strips
- Use mainly water for intimate cleansing. If necessary, soap-free, pH-neutral wash lotions should be chosen.
- Dry the skin in the intimate area thoroughly after cleansing
How can vaginal mycosis be prevented with antibiotics?
If there is a tendency to vaginal fungus, this should be discussed with the doctor before antibiotic treatment. Especially antibiotics that are taken for a long time increase the risk of a fungal infection. In the case of chronic vaginal mycosis, a fast-acting medication should be chosen. Alternatively, a prophylactic treatment of vaginal mycosis can be discussed, for example with lactic acid bacteria.
How can vaginal dryness be prevented?
Vaginal dryness is often also caused by hormonal changes. The environment of the vagina and thus the protective mucous membrane is disturbed. A dry mucous membrane is no barrier against fungus and bacteria. Tried and tested household remedies such as witch hazel, olive oil or moisturising creams protect the intimate area and supply it with moisture.