Labia is the medical term for the labia of women. These can become torn during a spontaneous birth. Even though labial tears are painful, they can be healed very well and quickly.
What is a labial fissure?

A labial tear is the tearing of the pubic walls and a typical birth injury. It often occurs together with a vaginal tear or [perineal tear](). A labial tear is the third most common birth injury.
Symptoms of a labial tear
The labia are criss-crossed by many nerve endings. That is why a tear is very painful. A symptom of a labial tear is also a so-called blood collar in the neck of the newborn.
Causes of a labial tear
The cause of a labial tear is the birth of a child. There are certain situations that are conducive to a labial tear.
Why does a labial tear occur at birth?

A labial tear usually occurs when the head passes through, when the pressure on the vagina is very high. The following risks increase the likelihood of a labial tear:
- Child with a large head
- Unusual position of the baby
- Injuries from previous births
- Use of forceps or a suction cup
- Premature or excessive pushing during birth
What is the difference between a labial tear and a vaginal tear?

In a vaginal tear, the vagina is injured during childbirth. In contrast, a labial tear affects the labia next to the vagina.
Labia tear healing
Depending on the depth, type and direction of the tear, surgical intervention may be necessary after birth.
How is a labial tear treated?
The labia can tear both transversely and longitudinally. A longitudinal tear is mainly superficial, so that this labia tear does not need to be stitched. With transverse tears of the labia, surgical treatment is often necessary because these tears run deeper. Because labia are very sensitive, suturing is done under local anaesthesia.
How long is the healing time for a labial tear?
Even though a labia tear is painful, it usually heals quickly. If there are no complications, the [scar]() usually heals within a week.
What happens to the stitches when the labia are torn?

Self-dissolving sutures are used for suturing a labial tear. These should dissolve after 2 to 3 weeks.
What do I have to pay attention to after a labial tear?
The scars from the labial laceration must be kept clean and dry. Regular cleaning with water is sufficient. Pads against lochia must be changed several times a day. After cleaning, but also in between, air should come regularly to the suture. This prevents sweating and moisture and reduces the risk of infection.
What do I do after a labia tear if the scar hurts?
Cooling is a good way to relieve [scar]() pain. This reduces the swelling and thus the pain. For this, pads can be frozen in the freezer and then used. Narrow gel pads or special postpartum compresses can also be used. It should only be cooled so that it still feels comfortable. If the coolant is too cold, a small towel or flannel is placed around it. This process can be repeated several times a day. As an alternative to cooling, compresses with [witch hazel]() can be used, as this remedy has a cooling, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect. If the pain does not improve after several days, the midwife or a doctor should be consulted.
Can I take painkillers for a ruptured labia even though I am breastfeeding?
Women with birth injuries need not be afraid to ask the doctor for medication. Despite breastfeeding, taking mild painkillers is also allowed. With the right medication, young mothers are usually more balanced and can devote more time to their child. During the breastfeeding period, the doctor should be consulted before taking painkillers.
What helps against pain when urinating?

If the scar burns when urinating, flushing with water can help. While going to the toilet, an intimate shower or bidet can be used to dilute the urine. Alternatively, a bowl of lukewarm water can be used. The water is distributed in the vaginal area during and after going to the toilet and thus dilutes the urine. In addition, it helps to drink enough water. Juices and coffee should be avoided.
What home remedies help with a labia tear?

There are a number of home remedies that can support the healing of a labial tear. The possible applications are:
- Sitz baths
- Irrigations
- Compresses
- Cream
Sitz baths with [witch hazel](), calendula, black tea or camomile relieve the pain and promote healing. However, they should only be used after 3 days so that the scar does not soften. Calendula and witch hazel are often recommended for douching during urination. Witch hazel is also effective against burning from injuries. Arnica as a wound cloth or calendula as a cooling compress are also suitable for supporting wound healing. If these are soaked in witch hazel, they have an additional anti-inflammatory effect and help especially against [itching]() during healing. Creams with comfrey from the pharmacy are also frequently used.
How do I make a cold compress for a labial laceration?
For the use of home remedies for cooling compresses, pure plant extracts without alcohol or essential oils must be selected. For a cooling and healing compress, several drops of the active ingredient are dribbled onto a template and then briefly frozen in the freezer. The temperature is checked by hand to see if it is cool but still comfortable. The compress is then used like a normal bandage. These cooling compresses are also particularly helpful after going to the toilet if the labia tear burns.
How can the healing of a labial tear be supported?

The healing of a labial tear can be supported by many measures. Relieving the scar and rest are particularly helpful.
- Reducing physical activities
- Lying down frequently to reduce pressure on the scar
- Avoiding friction from toilet paper and using an intimate shower or bidet instead
- Wearing underwear made of skin-friendly natural fabrics like cotton
- Do not use sanitary towels that contain plastics
- Do not sit cross-legged
It is not always easy with a newborn to rest and take it easy. It can be discussed in advance who will support a new mother. This can be not only the spouse, but also family, friends or even employees of a charitable organisation.
How can I sit well with a labial tear?

In hospital, the mattress from the bed is often the most comfortable sitting surface. At home, in addition to a soft upholstered chair, a seat ring, a thick cushion or simply an inflated floating ring can make sitting more comfortable. What is perceived as comfortable varies from woman to woman.
What should I do if the labial tear does not grow together?
It is very rare for a labial tear not to grow together. Risk factors for slower healing are diabetes, obesity and smoking. If the labia tear does not grow together, an appointment with a gynaecologist is essential.