Strong itching on hairy parts of the body can be an indication of crabs. Because these parasites prefer to attach themselves to the hair in the genital area, they are also called pubic lice. Crabs are very unpleasant, but easy to control.
What are the symptoms of crabs?
In the case of crabs, the symptoms are similar to those of head lice:
- severe itching
- grey discolouration at the bites
- reddish-brown blood stains on the pants
- burning in the affected areas
Where do crabs appear?
Crabs prefer to settle in the genital area. Crabs can also appear on the chest and underarm hair as well as on the eyebrows with the typical symptoms.
What is the cause of the itching?
The crabs secrete saliva when they bite into the skin. This ensures that the blood coagulates quickly. The saliva is responsible for the intense [itching]().
How does the transmission of crabs occur?
Crabs are transmitted through close body contact. If there is an infestation in the intimate area, there is a high risk of transmission during sexual intercourse. Crabs therefore belong to the sexually transmitted diseases. The lice can survive up to 24 hours without a host. Therefore, transmission can also occur through bed linen, towels or other laundry.
How can you treat crabs?
Crabs are not dangerous. However, the strong itching leads to side effects that should be avoided. In addition, lice reproduce very quickly. Within a week, new lice have hatched from the eggs, the so-called nits.
How dangerous are crabs?
Unlike head or clothes lice, crabs do not transmit diseases and are therefore harmless. However, the strong itching often leads to scratching and thus to small wounds. These can become infected. In addition, this increases the risk of transmitting sexual diseases. Therefore, crabs should be treated urgently.
What remedies are effective against crabs?
Fungal lice in the genital area, on armpit and body hair can be treated well. The active ingredient pyrethrin is mainly used. As an alternative, products containing permethrin can also be used, but these have not yet been approved against crabs. Products made from natural pyrethrum, which is extracted from chrysanthemum flowers, are particularly popular. The anti-lice products are used to soak the hair in the affected areas. After the soaking time, the medication must be washed off. Since new lice can form from nits within a week, the treatment should be repeated after about 8 days. Classic shampoos against head lice are not recommended, as they often have to work overnight.
How do I treat crabs on eyelashes and eyebrows?
Lice remedies must not get into the eyes. Therefore, the crabs on the eyebrows and eyelashes must be pulled out with tweezers. It is best to treat the hair with an oil beforehand. This makes it easier to remove the lice. During this treatment, the nits often remain in the hair. Therefore, after the first treatment, the hair must be checked daily for lice.
Can home remedies help with crabs?
A well-known remedy against lice is coconut oil. By using it, the parasites are covered with a film of oil and suffocate. A treatment with witch hazel, also called witch hazel, can relieve the itching in the affected areas. At the same time, the tannins in [witch h]() azel work against inflammation and thus support healing.
How can I support the treatment for crabs?
In addition to the lice remedies, a control with the lice comb should also be carried out. If the hair is treated with coconut oil beforehand, lice and nits can be combed out easily. Shaving the affected areas of the skin also helps. Shaving removes the infested hairs and facilitates hygiene. The partner can also shave as a preventive measure against crabs.